Classified Form

A free service for Calgary’s arts community

Calgary Arts Development’s classified listing is a free service for Calgary’s arts community. All content for the classifieds is user-submitted.

Our classifieds share opportunities in the arts sector as equitably as possible, and we trust our readers to use their own judgement when responding to ads. We reserve the right to deny ads that we deem to be offensive, misleading, exploitative or inaccurate.

Calgary Arts Development believes that artists should be paid for their work. For job postings and open calls, please share salary ranges or payment.  Please note that ads for jobs outside of Calgary and area may not be posted.

Events may be included but must be industry focused, whereas public events and activities should be submitted to What’s On for possible inclusion. Fundraising events must also be industry focused.

Ads will remain published for searching and transparency purposes unless specifically requested to We do keep an archive for reporting purposes.

Classified Form
Be sure to include important dates and deadlines, how to get in contact with you, information on payment, artists’ fees, exhibition royalties, salary ranges, and any website links.

Maximum file size: 3MB

Maximum file size: 3MB

Allowed File Types: PDF GIF JPG PNG
Permission to Post (required)
We will contact you here if more information is required.

Please Note: Uploading takes a few moments. Push the button once and wait for a text bar to appear.

Having issues with the form? Send us your information and image to

Classifieds content is generally user-submitted and we try to review and post ads within three business days. We do not endorse any agency, organization, corporation or individual who submits listings. We trust our readers to use their own judgment when responding to ads.

We believe artists should be paid for their work. For job postings and open calls, please share salary ranges or payment. Please note that ads for jobs outside of Calgary and area may not be posted.