2025 Heather Simpson Memorial Award in Dance
Heather Simpson Memorial Award
Apply by: February 15, 2025
Awarded through the Wild Rose Dance Arts Association
Heather Simpson was a ballet teacher that had a love for dance, teaching and life. She believed in herself, which inspired her students to believe in their dreams and to be strong. Heather had endless energy that was contagious and allowed her to maintain a sense of humor while teaching, thus making the learning process fun. Heather managed to run a balanced dance class by being softhearted and tolerant while keeping discipline. Heather had such a love for all kids that she was able to connect with each student and make them feel like her favorite. She took time with each child and related to them on their level. As a teacher she always went that extra mile for her dancers. Heather led a full life outside of dance as well, which allowed her to teach about life too. She taught kids that there is more to life than just dance, but dance was a great step towards living a full life.
2025 Guidelines:
This scholarship will be awarded to a dance teacher that is 18 years and over (age as of December 31, 2025), and who resides in the province of Alberta. It is to be used to further educate yourself as a dance teacher. All teachers in all disciplines are encouraged to apply; there will be recognition to teachers who are furthering their ballet education.
The following are the requirements for a complete application:
- Cover Page: Include your name, age (as of December 31, 2025), address, phone number, email address, Social insurance Number, what disciplines of dance that you teach and the current post secondary school, dance school, workshop or association where you are enrolled in training. Please note that your name is not to appear on the essay.
- Essay: Answer the following questions in a maximum of 3 pages, (Double Spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1” margins)
- Given the following scenario, how would you as a dance teacher handle this situation? “You have a group of 13-14 year old’s who are in a group dance and one of the dancers does not meld well with the others due to her personality/ability. All of the dancers are committed to their dance training and work well on an individual basis. The one child just does not seem to fit in with the others. As her teacher how would you handle the dynamics of the team so they all have a positive experience?”
- What are your personal interests and goals outside the dance world?
- What do you think makes a good teacher?
- How has a dance teacher impacted your life in a positive way?
- Why do you teach or why do you want to teach?
- Workshop Information: Applicants must be registered by December 31, 2025 in a formal teacher course, workshop or summer school. Please provide some information on the workshop that you plan to attend.
- Letter of Recommendation: from either a dance teacher or an employer. References may be consulted.
Scholarship will be awarded by the WRDAA (1987) in April 2025.
All applications must be mailed, (postmarked by February 15, 2025) to: Heather Simpson Memorial Award in Dance, Wild Rose Dance Arts Association, 228 Parkglen Cres SE Calgary, AB T2J 4M2.
For information please contact awardindance@shaw.ca.
Only the winner will be notified and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Complete applications include:
- Cover Letter
- Essay (maximum 3 pages, double spaced)
- Workshop Information
- Letter of Recommendation
We encourage all student teachers and teachers to apply. Last year’s award was over $800.