Call for Submissions

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Call for Submissions

Unleash Work-in-Progress (WIP) Award 2024

We aim to assist writers in the completion of an important literary project and vision. The Unleash WIP Award offers writers support in the amount of $500 to supplement costs to aid in the completion of a book-length work of fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Writers will also receive editorial feedback, coaching meetings and an excerpt/interview feature in Unleash Lit.

This contest is designed to support writers who are just starting or who have been toiling away but need a little boost to keep going. The Unleash Board of Directors will select the winner and provide individual support and mentorship.

“This contest is designed to support an artist with a clear vision who would benefit from mentorship and support to finish a writing project.” — Jen Knox, Executive Director, Unleash


Submit the first 25 pages of your WIP (.doc, .docx, PDF) and answers to the following questions in the same document:

  • Who are you as a creative person, and what is your creative vision? (No CV or resumes here)
  • Who is your intended audience for this project, and why?
  • Entries will be judged on originality, emotional resonance, and the author’s vision of the work they’d like to create.

Submissions will be accepted until July 15, 2024.

For more information and to submit, see

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