Grant Writing Intensive

Classified Categories: Educational Opportunities

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Grant Writing Intensive

Ghost River Theatre

Date range: January 21 – March 4, 2025
Cost: $350+GST

Want to write a grant for an art project but don’t know where to start?

Have trouble securing project funding?

Ghost River Theatre is here to help!

We are hosting our fourth annual Grant Writing Intensive in the spring of 2025. Led by writer, grant expert and former Artistic Director of Ghost River Theatre Jason Rothery, this seven-week course will guide you step-by-step through the process of conceiving, writing, developing and submitting an Individual Project Grant for a new or ongoing real-world artistic endeavour.

Intensive participants will conceive, draft and develop one of two Canada Council for the Arts grant applications — Concept to Realization, or Research & Creation — and be able to submit their grant at the culmination of the workshop.

While the focus of this course are Canada Council funding streams, the Intensive will equip and empower artists with the knowledge and tools necessary to draft and adapt applications for various public funding organizations — such as the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and Calgary Arts Development — and ultimately have the best chance possible to secure funding.

Topics covered will include:

  • Introduction to Canada Council grant requirements
  • Grant structure and narrative
  • Writing and developing a project plan and artistic practice statement
  • Budgets and support material
  • Navigating Canada Council’s online Portal system
  • Adapting grant literature for other funding opportunities

Intensive Process

Each participant will write and develop their own application, section by section, while providing feedback to fellow participants. Before final submission, a mock jury of professional artistic peers will offer outside eye insight on each application. The final session will culminate in the submission of revised applications to the Canada Council for the Arts for its 2024/2025 Explore and Create programs, as well as the Alberta Foundation for the Arts individual artists grant deadline.

Please note that while sessions are approximately three hours each week, the Intensive involves 5 – 10 hours of outside work per week.

For more information and to register visit Grant Writing Intensive — Ghost River Theatre.

Grant writing intensive graphic, for January 21 - March 4, 2025
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