Paint the Costumed Figure from Life

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Paint the Costumed Figure from Life

This opportunity is being cancelled for now, due to new COVID-19 restrictions.

Paint the Costumed Figure from Life
With Bobbi Dunlop

Dates: Thursdays 1:00 – 3:30pm
Five session, November 19 – December 17, 2020
Cost: On sale, now $300 (includes model fee)

For more information or to register visit

As artists, we need to have a tool-box filled with the knowledge in order to make beautiful brushmarks and… to be able to tackle whatever comes at us. I like to keep things simple and logical; a process more philosophical than formulaic.

Here are just some of the ideas we’ll explore in class:

  • Mass Design: Massing in puts your idea into your space.
  • Brushstrokes: the language of painting.
  • Shapes, Values, Edges, Colour: The simpler, the better.
  • Simple! See the beauty and you’ll paint it, rather than merely copying reality. The simpler the idea, the more powerful the painting.
  • Visual Concepts, Abstract Visual Idea: Have a statement in mind.
  • Open yourself to possibilities.
  • Flat Shapes: Very simple; clear from a distance; looks lit
  • Paint from a photo as if you’re painting from life.
  • In this session, we will explore the clothed/draped figure, from life. Our lovely model will be in costume!

Our primary focus, through direct observation, will be how clothing affects the shape of the body, paying close attention to such major concepts as light and beautiful paint quality while exploring the design possibilities of fabric. All while staying true to the fundamentals in order to portray fabric, convincingly: shape, value, edges, and colour.

In the first class, Bobbi will demonstrate an oil painting of our model, from life. In this class, students will become familiar with the process and will be free to ask questions.

In the following three weeks (weeks two to four) the class will paint the same model pose from life.

In the final two weeks, the class will paint from the photo of our model. The idea will be to paint from a photo as if you are painting from life.

Note, Bobbi will paint along with the class in each session. In this way, you will be able to observe painting progress from the start to a somewhat finished painting. You will receive one-on-one guidance throughout the class.

Level: Some painting experience – Advanced. All demonstrations will be done in oil. Acrylic painters welcome.

Registrants will receive the course supply list.

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