Umbrella Talk: Nuts and Bolts of Grant Writing

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Umbrella Talk: Nuts and Bolts of Grant Writing

CARFAC Alberta and Elephant Artist Relief

Date: October 1, 2024
Time: 7pm
Location: Online via Zoom

Do you want advice on how to write a grant? Some information on the nitty gritty of what makes a good proposal?

Join EAR on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 7pm MT on Zoom for nuts and bolts of grant writing and learn how to actually put together a winning grant!

Our presenters will walk you through how to start, what to include, what it should look like, what makes a successful proposal, and other great tips and guidance for actually writing a grant.

To register visit @earisforartists page Elephant Artist Relief Society

Our Presenters

Chris Carson: With undergraduate studies completed at the University of Alberta and a M.F.A. in painting from the University of British Columbia, Chris W. Carson is both professional visual artist and arts administrator. His art career includes exhibitions at public, artist run and commercial galleries throughout Alberta. Currently his artwork is exploiting monsters, martyrs and himself. As an administrator, Carson worked for commercial and public art galleries, a professional arts organization and two provincial arts service organizations. Since August 2010, Chris W. Carson is the Executive Director for CARFAC Alberta.

Kenzie Housego: Kenzie Housego recently completed a Master of Fine Arts Degree at the University of Calgary specializing in new media. As a multidisciplinary artist her practice includes fibre, new media, sculpture, and assemblage mediums. The use of technology such as LEDs, micro-controllers, texting, and screens within her research is symbolic of the virtual realms in which we participate as a society. The virtual encompasses social media platform activity, online personas, online dating, and online branding.

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