Bikablo Basics Visualization Training

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Bikablo Basics Visualization Training

Learn the foundations of the bikablo® visualization technique to make your next flip chart or whiteboard drawing one that’s worth remembering.

You spend a lot of time in meetings with your team or clients, but by the end of the conversation, your whiteboard notes look like a hot mess when you put the marker down. You cringe when you see your illegible writing slant down the flip chart. As you listen and capture ideas and information, you know there must be a simpler way to structure content and make sense of everything. After hours in meetings, you want clear, concise documentation that actually highlights key decisions and depicts the complexity of the conversation.

You want people in the room to remember the magic of the discussion they just participated in and recall the important details when they need them. Nobody wants more lists of bullet points to remember. You want a picture that you can easily share and use as a reference to tell the story of your next idea, how a new process works, outline a new strategic direction, or how the team came to a big decision.

The work you do with others is serious, and you know there must be ways to bring more humanity to the way you work; to infuse more fun and lightness into conversations to stimulate new ways of thinking and spark curiosity.

Creating engaging and inviting spaces and working effectively is possible when you learn how to take a strategic approach to capturing information and have foundational skills at hand to dip into your creativity. It also helps to have templates and principles to fall back on when you’re unsure how to structure what you’re writing.

Your next meeting could be one where people leave the room snapping a picture of your visual notes, the visual storyboard you co-created or the amazing flip chart that explains a process in a compelling and memorable way. These outcomes are all possible with a little help.

Date: September 22 & 23, 2022
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm (each day)
Location: YWCA Calgary
Registration Link:

Visit the registration link for more details.

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