Ink & Twig Art

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Ink & Twig Art

With Verna Vogel

The date for this opportunity has passed.

Want to create art with your child? Let Verna Vogel walk you through her explorative and creative process!

The just turn your head a little exhibition is about perception and memory. This workshop is about accessing perception and memory to explore and create artworks.

Participants will engage in perception exercises and discussion both inside the gallery and during an exploratory walk though the LAC grounds. Then, using ink with twigs, grasses etc., Verna will demonstrate some of the processes and techniques she has developed for creating visual images with these materials.

Serendipity is a big factor in this workshop. Working on several large and small-scale surfaces, participants will learn to guide and respond to their materials through the use of ink washes, line quality and wet/dry techniques to create a range of effects. The qualities of transparency, opacity, absorbency and surface texture of various papers will be explored.

Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019, 10:00am – 3:00pm
Cost: $85 covers per adult/child pair (kids 7+) or a single kid-friendly adult (child not required)

For more information or to register, visit

Promo – Ink & Twig Art With Verna Vogel

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