Pilot Public Art/ Creative Imagery Project

Classified Categories: Archived

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Pilot Public Art/ Creative Imagery Project

For the exterior of the Tom Hornecker Recreation Centre


Town of Nanton Council has determined that there should be an exploration of the potential that the exterior of the Tom Hornecker Recreation offers the community, particularly the downtown/commercial core areas, in terms of attractive and creative imagery. The global budget for the project, including production and installation, is a maximum of $5,000.

For that purpose, a modest budget has been allocated for a project that will allow something new to be installed on a southwest section of the building wall/façade.

The project could be:

  • A licensed image or piece of art that would be reproduced digitally and attached to an aluma or dibond panel installed on the building.
  • Decorative metal silhouette work installed on a section or sections of wall.

Appropriate subject matters or themes could include, but are not limited to:

  • Local sports achievements
  • Nanton Marlins/Skate Club/Palominos
  • Local historic or nostalgic imagery
  • Artistic concepts
  • Nanton’s 120th anniversary of incorporation as a municipality
  • Local landscape or wildlife features

Potential respondents/ participants:
• Artists
• Local residents, societies/ clubs and businesses
• Local students (elementary or high school)

Vision Concept

The resulting installation is expected to:

  • Engage the community at large
  • Serve as a memorable and welcoming landmark
  • Serve as a source of pride or interest for the community

Proposals must be submitted, quoting this RFP, via email to cao@nanton.ca by 2pm April 13, 2023.

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