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Classified Categories: Archived

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The deadline for this opportunity has passed.

Hello Calgary music community!

Like everyone else, the YYC Music Awards Foundation has been watching the developing situation and the way this global pandemic has disrupted our lives and the local music scene we all love.

The board of directors is thinking optimistically that our lives may return to some form of normalcy by our September 20, 2020 award show gala. That said, we are also prepared make some changes so we will not be forced to cancel, and have discussed options, if, as a community, we must continue to practice responsible and safe social distancing. We will keep everyone posted as the weeks and months move forward.

To that end, we are still accepting submissions for the 2020 YYC Music Awards. During troubling and stressful times, we feel it’s also important to still enjoy those things that give us joy, and celebrate each other and our amazing accomplishments.

Calgary and area artists submit now for #YYCMA2020!

For more information or to submit, visit

To be considered for a 2020 YYC Music Award, submissions must be received by 11:59pm MST on May 31, 2020. No extensions will be granted.

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