SpaceFinder Alberta is Online for Spaces
March 17, 2016
List your space for free on SpaceFinder Alberta
Owners and operators of spaces for rent are invited to upload their listings into this online marketplace that links available spaces with those who need space.
Many groups in the creative, non-profit and small business communities need space for meeting, creating, rehearsing, presenting, collaborating, gathering or celebrating. They spend considerable resources trying to find suitable and affordable spaces.
SpaceFinder Alberta will strengthen the creative, non-profit and small business sectors with an online marketplace for hourly, daily, weekly and longer-term rentals. SpaceFinder Alberta will streamline the search for appropriate and affordable space. It will bring more awareness to the community about facilities and less space will go under-used.
SpaceFinder Alberta will launch to people seeking space on June 10, 2016.
Calgary Arts Development is launching SpaceFinder Alberta in partnership with ArtsBuild Ontario, Fractured Atlas and Arts Habitat Edmonton and with the support of the Alberta Real Estate Foundation.
Handy Links
SpaceFinder Alberta
Background Information for Venues
SpaceFinder Knowledge Base
SpaceFinder Alberta on Twitter
Contact Information
Joni Carroll – Arts Spaces Consultant
Kari Watson – Spaces Database Coordinator