Storytelling Through Light

Exhibition space at the Centre Street LRT platform 

A view of artworks behind glass from the exhibit Storytelling Through Light: Photographers of the National accessArts Centre
Artworks behind glass from the exhibit Storytelling Through Light: Photographers of the National accessArts Centre
A view of artworks behind glass from the exhibit Storytelling Through Light: Photographers of the National accessArts Centre
Artworks behind glass from the exhibit Storytelling Through Light: Photographers of the National accessArts Centre
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The Project

Since 2009, the Open Spaces program has provided exhibition space to local and regional artists while enlivening the Centre Street LRT platform on 7 Ave. between Centre Street and 1 St. SE. Two large display windows on the exterior of the Telus Convention Centre are updated with new exhibits regularly throughout the year.

In 2023, Calgary Arts Development partnered with the National accessArts Centre (NaAC) to exhibit artworks by NaAC members, foster artist development and increase the visibility of artists with disabilities in Calgary. This year-long partnership featured a rotation of different artists and exhibits in the window galleries.

Current Exhibitions

Storytelling Through Light:
Photographers of the National accessArts Centre

Facilitated by nicole kelly westman and Richelle Bear Hat
Featuring works by:
Andre Paradis
Cherie Morgan
Daniel Desaulniers
Jody Roll
Kacy Salkeld
Kathy M. Austin
Paul Brain
Tasneem Iqbal

Artists Statement

When you snap a photo of someone you think about how they will look in the photo, and how things are arranged around them. The background, colours, and the clothes they are wearing all tell a story. Similar to the clothes and person in a photo, the light within a photo is an important detail in the narrative. We were thinking of how to best communicate who we are with a camera. What light do we want to be seen in? These photographs are representations of the learning and reflections on personal identity that we undertook together.

This exhibition opened in June 2024.

The Open Spaces Program

The Open Spaces: Windows to a View program provides exhibition space to local and regional artists while enlivening the Centre Street LRT platform.

From 2023 to 2025, the Calgary Arts Development Open Spaces program will be partnering with different organizations who work with underserved artists in Calgary. Founded in 1975 as the In-Definite Arts Society, NaAC is Canada’s oldest and largest disability arts organization — and in 2020, became the country’s first multidisciplinary disability arts organization. Today, NaAC supports more than 350 artists living with developmental and/or physical disabilities through on-site studio supports and workshops, and an even broader community of Canadian artists with disabilities through immersive programs delivered online.

For information on the history of Open Spaces, visit the The City of Calgary webpage.