Cassie Suche

Directory Categories: Artists & Collectives, Visual Arts

Cassie Suche


Cassie Suche

Cassandra (Cassie) Suche’s work is distinguishable for its delicate balance of structure and spontaneity, expressed through a visual language of linear and modular forms. Suche’s practice is highly experimental, with a focus on process and material research.

The artist’s investigative approach to making has led to the materialization of bodies of work in a diverse range of mediums. She is known for designing her own tools and adopting a systematic, generative approach to production. Her works are both methodical and improvisational, residing in the liminal space between order and disorder. Pattern is at the root of her practice, but within Suche’s work repetition is not just a formal device, it is a transformative process that reveals emergent qualities.

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