2024 Self-Directed Summer Residency Program

Classified Categories: Residencies

Logo image – Contextural fibre arts cooperative

2024 Self-Directed Summer Residency Program

Deadline to apply: April 14, 2024

We are currently accepting applications to be part our annual self-directed summer residency program in partnership with the Alberta University of the Arts. This is a unique opportunity to be part of a dynamic and vital part of Calgary’s cultural scene; allowing participants access to affordable studio space, critique session participation and inclusion in an end of residency exhibition. 
We are seeking individuals who:

  • Are interested in working within a co-operative studio setting.
  • Will be actively involved in, and contribute to, our community.
  • Seek access to affordable studio space and specialized equipment.
  • Are interested in sharing their knowledge and skills through collaboration.
  • Appreciate and practice the diversity of textile arts and craft.
  • Embrace an environmental approach to studio production.
  • Are ready to commit to studio fees (per below) for studio rental and access to equipment.
  • Will contribute to the end of summer residency exhibition.

Please visit Contextural.ca/residency for more information and to apply.Residency Options

  • Saturday, May 25 – Sunday, August 18, 2024
  • Saturday, May 25 – Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • Saturday, July 13 – Sunday, August 18, 2024
How To Apply

Interested applicants should complete the online Contextural Residency Application form by 12 midnight on April 14, 2024.


Contextural offers the Contextural Summer Residency Scholarship to individuals applying for the full time residency. The scholarship includes studio fees for the full time summer residency.

See application for details.

Exhibition Opportunity

A group exhibition will be held at the end of each residency and is open to all residency participants.

Contact Information: For questions regarding the Contextural Summer Residency, please email residency@contextural.ca.

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