Scott Clark

Originally from Calgary, Scott is an established artist who has left an indelible mark on the artistic landscape through his extensive involvement in community murals and projects. His portfolio boasts two striking murals created for the Calgary Stampede and over 20 captivating murals scattered across the city. Most recently, he received the honour of crafting a Legacy Mural for the Alberta Summer Games in 2023. He holds a BFA with a major in Visual Communications which was completed at the AUArts in Calgary.

Living as an openly gay/queer person, his neurodivergent, autistic nature – while occasionally misunderstood in daily life – shines through his artistry. He has discovered that his unique traits find resonance when expressed through art, forging deep connections with people along the way.

Scott’s inspiration encompasses a rich tapestry of artistic movements, including Fauvism, cubism, album art, psychedelic art of the 60s/70s, surrealism and the vibrant queer/pop art of the 80s.

When he first began to start painting murals back in 1999, he was subsequently chosen and hired as the Artist-in-Residence with Antyx (a community arts non-profit) for a solid 11 years (2000-2011), creating and collaborating community murals with volunteer neighbourhood people. The style of these murals incorporated his signature motifs; dynamic design elements which create a story. His compositions are full of movement which initially captivate the viewer to want to take a closer look. Alongside his natural ability to capture the beauty of life with his vibrant and engaging colour choices. You will also find hidden gems within his compositions; fun surprises for people to notice while examining his images. His optimistic imagination provides abstract elements which make for a beautiful and distinct look to his Artwork. You can view a more detailed scope about these community murals on his website.

The art he creates is essentially about hope. He believes time is a gift; an opportunity to change and grow. To live as a beautiful mosaic, reflecting who we truly are and the infinite possibilities of who we can be. This positive outlook on humanity has always been a recurring theme in his work.

He has always enjoyed exploring his imagination when it comes to his art practice. Over the years continually experimenting with his style. You will notice on his website that his catalogue of art has a distinct flavour in each series; as well as showing a joy and commitment to his craft.

If there’s anything which combats destruction and ruin, he believes it is art. The act of creating is a powerful, fun, and challenging activity. It can take years to create something beautiful, which can then be destroyed in mere minutes. He believes that art is the tool which moves a society forward. The birth of new ideas will always shine bright, even in the darkest of times.

Through his art, Scott aims to bridge gaps, fostering connection and understanding among diverse audiences.

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