Collage of artwork

Tyrel Schick


Tyrel Schick

One on One Art Therapy – after over a decade of working in an emergency shelter, I have had the privilege of putting into practice art as a form of communication and outreach. I use art in one-on-one conversations with our clients (guests) where I draw real-time what the person communicates. This works as both a form of note taking, but also allows me to make copies of the drawings to be used as a printable worksheets that I can give to the guest at the end of the conversation. Art is effective in helping people problem solve, work through trauma, or as a means to comprehend complex concepts that might seem foreign when explained verbally or textually. Art has allowed me to speak with multicultural audiences within the shelter without the need of interpretation or translation.

Art in Groups – Between the years of 2015 – 2022, My wife and I ran an outreach homegroup/homechurch based out of our home to help nuerodivergent individuals. We would prepare visual lessons before the group would meet, and I would live draw the group discussions and later email it out to each member at the end of the night.

I also run a drawing class out of the homeless shelter I work at. This year we had out first & very successful art show with 18 participants.

Art in Collaboration – additionally I paint/airbrush murals in collaboration with shelter guests to help them overcome depression, and addictive lifestyles. By filling the void with new, healthy, and productive outlets that build confidence, and competence, this gives the guests hope. In spring 2023 we completed our first collaborative mural at the shelter.

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