Tyson Bankert

Tyson Bankert

Photo: Chao Zhang

Tyson Bankert

Artist inspires creativity and whimsy through Recess Calgary

There are artists who are driven to produce a work of art, be it a painting, a sculpture, a film, a play, and then there are those whose interests lead them unknowingly into the arts. For Tyson Bankert, his creativity is expressed through his ability to bring people together and encourage them to embrace their own creativity and whimsy through his project, Recess Calgary.

“Back in 2018, I had this idea around bringing adults together to just like play childhood games. I used to be a day camp leader, and I really enjoyed that,” he says. “…that was probably when I first started facilitating games and things like this with little people. And I thought to myself as I got older  ‘I wish that there’s something like that for adults.'”

According to Tyson, Recess Calgary is an opportunity for adults to play, be creative, and connect with each other, and has also evolved into various placemaking projects, facilitating different ways in which people can come together. “(It’s) a space where people can activate those parts of of themselves, whether it’s through play, whether it’s being creative, whether it’s connecting with other people, slowing down and really engaging with that side of themselves and building that kind of sense of community.”

And, for someone who never really considered himself an artist, Tyson now sees the creativity in what he does. “When I think about some of the things that I’ve been able to do in the last, this last couple of years, it has really lend itself to me being a real exercise in reimagination, of not just of who I am, but also a reimagining of what’s possible.”

Tyson is also part of the Art for Social Change Public Art Residency, building on his interest in community, convening and creative placemaking. “Arts for social change is really looking at how art, public art specifically can create social change…. I think we’re still learning about what does that social change look like? And so and that was really this idea that I had through kind of tapping into my inner childhood around, reimagining spaces,” he says.

“When I think about reimagination and reimagining spaces, that actually feels really doable to me. It feels like, oh, I can actually participate, and that participation looks like being creative. And so how do I get other people to also sort of help practice that?”

Tune into this week’s Storytelling Podcast to learn more about Recess Calgary and Tyson Bankert’s thoughts on public art, art for social change and reigniting a sense of whimsy and creativity into our adult lives.

About The Storytelling Podcast

Sharing diverse stories of creativity in our city, The Storytelling Podcast shines a spotlight on artists and projects that connect Calgarians to the arts. Part of The Storytelling Project, this series raises awareness about Calgarians who, by living creative lives, are making Calgary a better city, affecting positive change and enriching others’ lives.

Have a story to share? Email us at submissions@calgaryartsdevelopment.com.

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