Sue (Van Dyck) Bussoli

Directory Categories: Artists & Collectives, Visual Arts

Vertical oreinted artwork of mountain landscape by Sue Bussoli

Sue (Van Dyck) Bussoli

Sue (Van Dyck) Bussoli

I have painted with a variety of mediums but watercolour and watersoluable oils are my preferred paints. I have a desire for a linear effect and I draw with pen and ink over my paintings. My subject matter is primarily landscapes from photos I’ve gathered from travels and plein aire trips, but I also like experimenting and a few abstracts have been developed to pique my curiosity.

I have participated in many art shows as a solo, group and many donations for silent auctions. I am a former member of Riverview Art Group and I am an alumni of Calyx Distinctive Arts. My first show was at the Leighton Centre and it was also my first art sale. I have a hard time staying within the confines of lines. My imagination helps me to push ideas and explore. Because I believe that is the way to learn more about art. Instructing art follows me whenever I have the opportunity to talk about art.

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