Carving Tool Maintenance

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Carving Tool Maintenance

The deadline for this opportunity has passed.

Interactive live online demo via Zoom!

Stay Sharp – Carving Tool Maintenance for Relief Printers

Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Registration Cost: $10
A/P Members get 20% off
CJSW Friends Card holders get 10% off
Or, access the Caring Through Printmaking purchase price of $0 (details below)

Join Michelle Wiebe as she guides you through the science and practice of maintaining razor-sharp edges on your gouges. Having a properly maintained set of tools will result in greater carving accuracy, longer-lasting blades, reduced physical fatigue as well as less chance of injury. Using a basic set up of easily made or purchased tools she will show you how to hone, sharpen and repair dings on your U gouges, V gouges and Chisels. All items demonstrated can either be inexpensively purchased locally or else up-cycled from easily sourced scraps.

This is an excellent resource or refresher for anyone who is intimidated by the world of sharpening, those who have inherited some long-neglected tools as well as artists who are considering upgrading from their current student set of blades. This demonstration is interactive so there will be plenty of time during and afterwards to ask specific questions. Participants are encouraged to have their current set of tools and questions handy during the course of the demonstration for personalized guidance.

About Caring Through Printmaking

We recognize that folks in Calgary and around the world are currently facing very important and impactful global issues.

Now, more than ever, we need ways to make and celebrate art (as professional development, relief, escape, self-care, and as a way to self-express, etc). At the same time, many of us may be financially strained or needing to focus financial resources elsewhere at the moment.

In the spirit of care through printmaking, if you’d like, you can register for this demo free of charge, no questions asked.

To access this rate, simply enter the coupon code CARETHROUGHPRINT when processing your purchase or registration in the checkout.

For more information, visit