Print Your Own Valentine
Interactive Live Hands-On/Follow Along Demo!
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 2:30pm
Location: Zoom
Cost: $15 flat rate for individuals and families
Join Kate Baillies in hands-on card-making fun to create valentines for the sweetie(s) in your life! This workshop is all about simple, instant gratification and the wonderful world of printmaking!
What You Can Expect
Kate will walk you through how to make a simple card design by drawing and pressing tools into a Styrofoam plate. (The tools are everyday objects such as buttons, cookie cutters, paper clips, costume jewelry, screws/bolts…).
Using a roller and relief ink we will print our designs—et voilà, a valentine! The creative possibilities are endless.
This workshop includes hands-on printing, so dress for a mess and join us from a suitable workspace (i.e., a kitchen table or desk)!
Suitable ages four to adult.* (Younger children can do this with help from an adult or older sibling).
To learn more and register, visit