Virtual Writer-in-Residence

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Virtual Writer-in-Residence

Deadline: November 12, 2021

The Writers’ Guild of Alberta invites all those qualified to apply for the position of Virtual Writer-in-Residence.

This program provides WGA members access to the services of a Virtual Writer-in-Residence, with priority given to those who cannot access one elsewhere. The position will begin in January and end in May, with an average of 30 hours per month, consisting of:

  • 12 one-hour virtual consultations with members writing in all genres.
  • Preparation time of approximately 1.5 hours for each session, which will include pre-reading, evaluation, and contemplation of the member’s submitted written work, of up to 15 pages.
  • The Virtual Writer-in-Residence will provide the Writers’ Guild of Alberta with a monthly report including the names of the members who have accessed the service, and a final report with an overall evaluation of the program.
  • Remuneration is $6,000.

The successful candidate must have:

  • Experience teaching, mentoring, and editing. Previous writer-in-residence experience is preferred.
  • The ability to work with writers of different capabilities from emerging to accomplished.
  • Extensive publication history.
  • Extensive knowledge of literary forms and genres.
  • Video meeting capability.

Applications must include:

  • Email with subject line WGA Virtual Writer-in-Residence Application.
  • Cover letter outlining ability to meet the position’s requirements.
  • Literary resume (max 5 pages), including a list of previous publications and projects, a summary of teaching, mentoring, and/or editing experience.
  • Two references with contact information.

Please submit your application by email to using subject line WGA Virtual Writer-in-Residence Application by November 12, 2021.


A separate manuscript evaluation service is available through the WGA, visit

Instruction on the craft of writing is available through regular WGA programming as well as through the WGA webinar library visit

Additional writers-in-residence services are available through public libraries, universities, and other writers’ organizations. Check your local library and post-secondary institutions to see if there is one available.

For more information visit

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