5th Annual Kemosa Scholarship
For First Nations, Métis and Inuit Mothers Who Write
The Writers’ Guild of Alberta and Nhung Tran-Davies are happy to announce the launch of the 5th Annual Kemosa Scholarship for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Mothers Who Write!
Author Jeananne Kirwin is back again this year to share the vision of effecting positive changes in our community through stories.
Because of the generosity of our sponsors, we will award three scholarships this year: 1st place $3000, 2nd place $2000, 3rd place $1000.
We are so happy to welcome back Tlicho Dene author Richard Van Camp and introduce Jacqueline Guest as this year’s judges!
Deadline: December 17, 2021
Submission Guidelines
If you are an emerging First Nations, Métis or Inuit writer and mother living in Alberta and are interested in applying for the Kemosa Scholarship, please send the following to kemosascholarship@yahoo.com.
- A sample of your writing (no more than 15 pages) — either prose, poetry, nonfiction, fiction and/or illustrated literature, e.g. graphic novel, comic, etc.
- A cover letter describing why the scholarship is important for you.
- Previous entrants may resubmit, as long as you have not won a scholarship within 24 months.
- The deadline for scholarship submission is December 17, 2021.
Winners will be announced in early 2022.
For more information and to submit visit writersguild.ca.