How White Supremacist Culture & Capitalism Create Inequity
The Cultural Instigators are on the cusp of their first event, Bringing Power to Truth Part 1: Artists Grappling Stolen Land, Stoles Lives, Stolen Labour on Saturday, May 28, 2022.
This will be a space where all three spirals, Indigenous, Black and Racialized, will share their projects for the Bringing Power to Truth initiative.
Join us on April 26, 2022, to discuss anti-racism in the arts sector in Moh’kinstsis. The Cultural Instigators will offer space to speak on how the arts sector grapples with how white supremacist culture and capitalism create inequity.
Is your arts organization petrified, perpetuating, performative, or principled* in anti-racism? What have you done, seen, experienced, as far as momentum towards an anti-racist city? Where is there opportunity to continue this work?
Date: April 26, 2022
Cost: Free
Location: Online via Zoom
For more information and to register visit
This event will be followed by a naloxone training by Safeworks from 2:30 – 3:00pm MT.
For reference you can read the following documents:
- White Supremacy Culture in Organizations – by COco-net
- *the 4 P’s by Thulasy Lettner – Learning from AROC (Anti-Racist Organizational Change project through CommunityWise Resource Centre