Community Circle
Oki! Calgary Arts Development has been guided by an Indigenous Advisory on the development of an Original Peoples Investment Program*, a grant program designed by and for First Nations, Métis, Inuit (FNMI) artists, collectives, arts administrators and support workers, and FNMI-led arts organizations. We are hoping to launch the program in the fall of 2018.
We would like to welcome all potential applicants to a Community Circle where we will go through the draft guidelines and collect feedback that will inform the way the program runs.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Alberta Theatre Projects Rehearsal Hall, Arts Commons (Enter through Stage Door, 220 9th Ave. SE)
Doors Open and Dinner: 5:00pm
Elder Blessing, Review Guidelines, Collect Feedback, and Q&A: 5:30 – 7:30pm
To enter, walk up the stairs to the Stage Door. To the right of the security desk is a stairwell door. Walk up the stairwell to reach the ATP Rehearsal Hall. We will have signage directly at the entrance of the Stage Door.
Accessibility access will be through the loading dock by the Stage Door on 9th Ave.
Food and beverages will be provided.
If you would like to review the draft guidelines before the Community Circle you can download them here.
Capacity is limited so please RSVP at
This is your chance to:
- Review the program’s guidelines prior to it launching.
- Provide feedback on everything—the process, the criteria, the application, the assessment process, the language used, etc.
- Share perspectives of other artists.
- Ask questions and get to know Calgary Arts Development granting staff.
More than collaboratively creating a program that is authentically embedded with the values and ways of knowing of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people, we want this to be the beginning of right relations with the FNMI arts community. So while we know that this is happening very soon, we hope that you’ll come share with us!
*Calgary Arts Development would like to give thanks for the generosity and wisdom of Elders Edmee Comstock, Dakota Eagle Woman, Lance Scout, and the tireless efforts of Suzanne McLeod and all those who participated as part of the Indigenous Artist Advisory, without whom this program would not be possible.
We would also like to thank Kathy Hsieh and her colleagues at the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture for the inspiration for the assessment process, and the entire Equity in the Panel working group and all funders working towards equity, diversity and inclusion in the arts.