Economic Impact Report

Economic Impact Report

Calgary Arts Development is seeking a request for proposals (RFP) for an Economic Impact Report for our 2021 Operating Grant Program clients, an update to our 2018 Economic Impact Report. 

The study must conduct an economic impact assessment of the annual operating expenditures of our operating grant clients that receive support from Calgary Arts Development, utilizing the Statistics Canada Input/Output Model, the widely-accepted model in Canada for this type of work. The report should relate to both the direct and indirect impacts of these organizations.

The report should define the value added or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) impacts representing the economic value of goods and services generated.

The report should reflect the economic impact of COVID-19 on the sector and how the loss of direct, indirect, and induced revenue has an effect on other aspects of the larger local economy, provincially, and federally.

In late November the successful proponent will meet to discuss what data will be required. In early 2022 Calgary Arts Development and the successful proponent will work together to collect any needed data, with a report to be completed by late July 2022. We encourage all interested parties to visit our classifieds for more information and full details.

The deadline for responses is November 12, 2021, at 4:00pm MT and all questions can be directed to

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