Public Art Program Coming to Calgary Arts Development

Public Art Program Coming to Calgary Arts Development

On March 22, 2021, The City of Calgary announced Calgary Arts Development as the future operator for Calgary’s public art program.

A seven-person selection panel, which included two Calgary arts professionals and two citizens-at-large, reviewed request for proposals (RFP) submissions for a new direction for public art. They recommended Calgary Arts Development as the organization that is best suited for the job based on our in-depth knowledge and understanding of delivering art to Calgarians.

“We are very excited to have been selected as the proponent to undertake the public art program,” says Patti Pon, President and CEO of Calgary Arts Development. “Calgary Arts Development has been in existence since 2005 with a mandate to support and strengthen the arts to benefit all Calgarians. The public art program aligns perfectly with what we stand for; our commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility; our direct relationship with Calgary’s arts sector; and our vision for a creative, connected Calgary through the arts.”

“Calgarians are very passionate about the arts and continuing to make Calgary an inviting and vibrant place to live and visit,” says Jennifer Thompson, manager of Arts and Culture at The City of Calgary. “Having a third-party operator for Calgary’s public art program will reduce barriers for Calgary’s local artist community to participate in the program, increase transparency for citizens, and increase investment in the local creative economy. We are extremely pleased that Calgary Arts Development was chosen to deliver the best program for Calgary.”

As a much smaller organization than The City of Calgary, Calgary Arts Development will be looking to streamline the program and reduce barriers for local artists to participate, while also increasing engagement opportunities and transparency for citizens. Our commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility will also serve the program well, increasing access and representation from a diversity of artists. We look forward to stewarding a public art program that reflects who we are and what we value as a city.

The City of Calgary will work with us to gradually transition oversight and implementation of public art projects and programs over the course of three years, with full transition expected to be complete in 2024.

Read the full announcement at

Two large white sculptures in a snowy field
Convergence by Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan | Photo: Courtesy of The City of Calgary