Bringing Power to Truth Coordinators

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Bringing Power to Truth Coordinators

We are the Cultural Instigators, a collective of artist-activists who came together to imagine an anti-racist future for Mohkinstsis (Calgary). We have secured $254,000 in funding for Bringing Power to Truth (BPtT), an initiative that centres Indigenous, Black, and people of colour artists and their communities, in projects envisioned and led by the three affinity working groups.

We’re looking to hire three coordinators who are passionate about equity and justice, and believe in the power of art as a tool for change.

BPtT Coordinator

A role that will support all three working groups and will be responsible for planning and coordinating a larger grappling event, where projects and ideas from each of the three working groups will be pitched to arts institutions as a way of centering these communities for all of Mohkinstsis (Calgary).

Two Project Coordinators

Two roles that will each be responsible for providing overall support and coordination for one of the working groups projects, led by the artists and connected to their respective communities.

The ideal candidates will:

  • Have a vision for artist-led change.
  • Value right relations and community care in their work.
  • Can work well in collective and group environments, especially with a collective of Indigenous, Black, and racialized artists who support each other in their individual and collective practices.
  • Is self-organized and self-driven.
  • Has experience with resolving conflict in a healing and positive way.
  • Is strongly committed to a fair and equitable arts community that represents the demographics of Mohkinstsis (Calgary).
  • Has experience producing and managing projects involving diverse communities

BPtT offers the coordinator the following work environment and expectations:

  • A flat-fee of $14,375 to work through August 2021 up to February/March 2022 (28-week term calculated at 575 hours at $25/hr, with possible extension).
  • A results-based work environment where they will be able to achieve their individual tasks on their own time and pace, along with a commitment to consistent availability to meet with the Cultural Instigators and working group(s) weekly.
  • Group meeting times will be negotiated between all Cultural Instigators and BPtT coordinators on an ongoing basis.
  • Candidates will be responsible for using their own computers and devices for group collaboration. The Cultural Instigators use Google Mail, Drive, and Calendar for organizing their work online.

Hiring Process

Part 1, apply.

Send us your resume with either:⁣

  • A five-minute video or audio recording.
  • Or a letter of interest.

In your recording or letter of interest, please introduce yourself, express how BPtT aligns with your values and goals, and the relevant experience that make you a fit for the coordinator role.

You do not need to include a cover letter.

Email your application to by Friday August 6, 2021, with the subject line: Bringing Power to Truth Application.

Files can also be sent via

Note: While we are asking for resumes, we are not placing a priority around formal or institutional credentials. We value and honour lived experience as lived expertise. We may reach out to you over email to ask additional questions throughout the hiring process.

⁣Part 2, circle interview.

Meet members of the Cultural Instigators for an open conversation.⁣ We will interview 10 candidates, who will be paid an honorarium of $25/hr for their time and contribution to the process.

Questions and topics for the conversations will be shared with candidates beforehand.

Accountable space guidelines will be honoured for each interview conversation, as they are for all BPtT meetings

If you have any questions, concerns, or require any accommodations, please email

Thank you and we hope to hear from you!

The Cultural Instigators are committed to inclusion and equity and strive to ensure that the BPtT team reflects the diversity of communities we aim to serve. We are committed to removing barriers to employment that are faced by equity-seeking groups and encourage (but do not require) members of these groups to self-identify as such in their applications.

We strongly encourage individuals who self-identify as Black, racialized, or Indigenous (status or non-status First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) to apply for this position.

History of Bringing Power to Truth

Bringing Power to Truth emerged from a series of conversations in late 2020 during Citizen Artists YYC Chat & Chew online gatherings organized by Cultural Instigators. A question was posed that sparked these discussions—what could an artist-led movement for an anti-racist Calgary look like?  Many ideas, perspectives and possible actions were shared. When The City of Calgary launched its Anti-Racism Capacity Building Fund, we decided to bring these ideas together as Bringing Power to Truth and submit it as a proposal to the fund.

The City of Calgary approved our proposal and we were also able to secure additional funding from the Calgary Foundation and the Canada Council for the Arts. These resources will help us bring the initiative to reality.

Bringing Power to Truth is an artist-led initiative that supports artists as citizens engage their communities to examine and confront racism through their art. Working with artists from Indigenous, Black, and people of colour communities, the initiative facilitates the coming together of artists and community elders/leaders to reflect on their experiences and from these, create artistic works that can engage public systems and the broader communities. Artists and community partners will first work within their own affinity groups. They will then come together to grapple with what they have learned and to instigate support for artistic projects, community advocacies and actions that may emerge from the initiative.

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