Photographers & Videographers

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Photographers & Videographers

Beltline Urban Murals Project 2021
Photo and Video Services – Request for Qualifications

The following request for qualifications (RFQ) is being issued by the Beltline Urban Murals Project (BUMP) to find experienced and professional photographer(s), videographer(s) or team(s) to capture all aspects of the BUMP Festival throughout August 2021.

All work produced may be used for BUMP communication materials, marketing initiatives, festival promotion locally and nationally, or any other applicable purpose.


BUMP is an award-winning community-driven project to showcase art, promote tourism, improve the public realm, and build community spirit in Calgary. Now entering its fifth year, BUMP has curated a diverse portfolio of local, national, and international mural artists who have created eye-catching, inspiring, and beautiful murals in Calgary’s Beltline communities. The project continues to expand with a month-long 2021 BUMP Festival celebrating art, music, and community this August.

The project celebrates the diversity, talent, and vibrant character in the city through works of art that are thought-provoking, whimsical, awe-inspiring, creative, and powerful. We believe public art has an important role to play in building community, promoting dialogue, and enriching our cultural landscape.

Since its inception in 2017, BUMP been transforming Calgary’s Beltline into an expansive open-air art gallery and has:

  • Commissioned 51 murals celebrating a diversity of local, national, and international artists.
  • Been awarded the 2019 Mayor’s Urban Design Award for Community Initiative.
  • Gathered thousands of attendees for the BUMP Festival and thousands of online followers.
  • Led and promoted guided and self-guided mural tours for thousands of residents and visitors to the city.
  • Showcased outdoor film and music performances as part of a celebration of community and the arts.

More information about BUMP can be found at

Project Scope

There are three positions available: photography, videography, and drone photo/video. You may apply for any combination available positions.

The 2021 BUMP Festival will take place from August 2 to 29, 2021.

The following is a preliminary list of deliverables:

  • Murals:
    • A range of photos and videos of murals complete and in progress (close, medium, long, wide, etc.), as well as of artists painting and with completed mural.
    • Interesting/unique shots of the mural with different elements (sunset/sunrise, different lighting, depth of field, etc.).
  • Festival Events:
    • Each event in progress, including guests and attendees, people of note and artists (musicians & DJs, muralists, staff, etc.), speakers and panelists.
    • Branding, signs, programs, sponsors, and other related collateral.
    • BUMP is looking to hire one to three photographers or groups to cover the entirety of each position for the 2021 Festival (including both mural and event coverage). Applicants should expect to work the entire month of August if chosen.
    • Compensation will be discussed further upon selection and assessment of scope. Standard photography rates can be expected.

Selection Process

BUMP will evaluate all applicants based on the following factors:

  • Experience with photography and photography editing.
  • Experience with videography and video editing/production.
  • Experience with drone piloting and drone photography/videography.
  • Experience working within relevant arts communities, with emphasis on involvement with local arts.
  • Ability to meet all project needs within the month of August.
  • Ability to deliver and execute as evidenced in past work.


Please send your application as a single PDF document no larger than 10MB to

Application should include:

  • Name and contact information of contractor(s) or group, including pronouns and residing location.
  • All relevant social media handles or professional website(s).
  • Which position(s) you are applying for.
  • Short cover letter including your interest in working with BUMP and an outline of your relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Portfolio of any relevant work.
  • Your regular work rates.
  • Reference(s) for your work.

BUMP will shortlist applicants for an interview to determine their ability to execute the work. This request for qualifications will remain open until filled.

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