Calgary’s Creative Digital Economy Workshop
With Meghan Donohoe
Time: 5:30 – 7:10pm MT
Cost: Free
For more information and to register, visit
Influence the future of Calgary’s creative economy by joining a CreativeCITY workshop led by Meghan Donohoe (SAIT).
About this Event
CreativeCITY has proposed four strategic pillars to guide the growth of Calgary’s creative economy. We need to know if these pillars speak to creatives and creative enterprises across Calgary. Voice your take during one of our workshops.
Our Four Strategic Pillars
Embed audacious creativity into our city’s DNA
To fully leverage the robust, growing creative economy in Calgary, creativity needs to be at the heart of everything we do as a city.
Incubate creative collisions
Unifying our creative economy under one identity requires creating conditions for collaboration, cross-sector partnerships, knowledge transfer, and resource sharing.
Mobilize Calgary’s creative capacity
To develop and retain Calgary’s exceptional creative talent, we must work to ensure creative professionals, new or seasoned, have the knowledge, skills and resources required to succeed.
Value the diversity of Calgary’s creativity
Calgary has an opportunity to tap into the unique perspectives and experiences of our diverse creative class to build something new, authentic, and meaningful for everyone in the city.