Truth & Reconciliation Exhibition & Professional Development

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Truth & Reconciliation Exhibition & Professional Development

This is a paid opportunity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists who are interested in exploring reconciliation through art.

What does truth and reconciliation mean to you? What does it look like? The CIF Reconciliation Society (CIFRS) is pleased to work with Arts Commons on an exhibition focusing on truth and reconciliation.

We are looking for Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists who would like to work together on the topic of reconciliation through an art exhibition at Arts Commons in the spring of 2024. You can apply as an individual artist, or you can apply with an artist that you would like to work with. We will have sessions where our cohort will meet together to discuss reconciliation, the program, the development of the work, and get to know the other artists and who you would like to work with.

For oral applications, please leave a message at 1.855.500.1166 or email

For full application details and to submit, visit CIFRS Call to Artists Arts Commons 2024.

This opportunity includes the Arts Commons’ RBC Emerging Visual Artists Program (RBC EVAP) program, so we are looking for emerging artists (ages 18+) who would benefit from and dedicate some time to a professional development summit and networking events!

The RBC EVAP provides an opportunity for emerging visual artists in Calgary to develop their artistic practice and hone their professional skills to build a solid foundation for a successful career.

RBC EVAP artists will participate in the following sessions:

  • Professional Development Summit (sessions will include financial planning, grant writing, how to improve artist statements and bios, networking, etc.).
  • One-on-one mentorship opportunities with Arts Commons’ visual and media arts curator.
  • Group mentorship sessions with established artists and curators.
  • Two-panel discussion events that connect emerging artists with local galleries and arts professionals.
  • Deadline for submissions: November 4, 2023
  • CIFR Creative Collaboration Orientation/Meet & Greet: November 19, 2023, 2 – 4pm
  • CIFRS Artists Collaboration Gathering at Arts Commons +15 Galleries: December 7, 2023, 5 – 9pm
  • CIFRS Artists Collaboration Round Table: February 2024 (date TBA)
  • RBC EVAP Program Orientation: March 21, 2024
  • RBC EVAP Professional Development Program Summit: March 21 – 24, 2024
  • Completed work + photographs of work: March 30, 2024
  • Installation of the exhibition: May 13 – 24, 2024 (TBC)
  • Exhibition Duration: May 27 – October 6, 2024
  • Artist Reception: Thursday, July 4, 2024
  • De-Installation: October 7 – 11 , 2024 (TBC)
  • Honoraria: Every artist will receive an honorarium for the exhibition and an honorarium for the development of the collaboration. Amount TBD

Selection of Artists: As this exhibition has limited space, priority will be given to artists who can dedicate time to attend all meetings and professional development sessions.


Our vision is Let’s Get REAL: To promote ReconciliACTION!, Empowerment, Awareness & Leadership through the arts. As an organization, we think it is important to collaborate with other community organizations to deliver art-based workshops and events that provide education through Indigenous ways of knowing and promote healing and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

For more information, visit

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