Call for Board Directors

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Call for Board Directors

Mountain Standard Time Performative Art Festival Society

Application deadline: June 24, 2024


Mountain Standard Time Performative Art Festival Society (M:ST) is a non-profit arts organization committed to presenting performative works from a variety of disciplines that reflect current issues and practices in contemporary art. Through exhibitions, performances, and residencies. M:ST fosters the development of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary art practices among local, national and international artistic communities. M:ST’s role in presenting professional, high quality, cultural experiences continues to grow, increasing opportunities for artists, education and critical discourse surrounding contemporary art.


M:ST was established in 2001 as a collaborative endeavour between several local arts organizations. To this day we connect local and global artistic communities through our unique partnerships. As a spaceless and flexible organization, we run out of our office at CommunityWise Resource Centre.

We are seeking new board directors

The board is the governing body of the organization and ensures the ethical integrity of the organization through the development of policies. We’re seeking directors who can commit to a two-year volunteer term, with the possibility of renewal. While M:ST’s operations are primarily located in Mohkinstsis|Calgary we also encourage national expressions of interest. Board members based elsewhere may be asked to attend 1 – 2 meetings in person per year, travel and accommodation expenses paid. The application process is outlined further down.

About our board culture

The board meets once a month via the web conferencing app Zoom. Meetings are on weekday evenings and last between 1 to 1.5 hours. Instead of committees, each director volunteers to lead initiatives based on their passions and skills.

You’ll know you are are good fit if:

  • M:ST’s work interests you
  • You have relevant experience in governance, fund-development and strategic planning
  • Your capacity aligns with the time commitment required
  • You are passionate about creating a healthy organizational culture
  • You are interested in exploring the answers to these questions with us:
    • What meaningful connections can artist-run centres make between local, national and global artistic contexts?
    • What does a healthy artist community look like? How do we resource the wellbeing of individuals who work with us?
    • How can artists and arts intuitions become places that co-create material and structural social change with those marginalized by the arts?

We would also be honoured to receive the guidance of Elders.

How to Apply

Send us an introduction to yourself along with an explanation of why you would like to join and
what skills you would bring to a director position (aka an expression of interest) by Monday,
June 24, 2024 to and Please describe your relevant lived experience and informal or formal training. The expression of interest can be sent in the form of:

  • A 5 minute video (link or video)
  • A 5 minute voice recording (link or video)
  • One page (pdf or doc)

Your statement of intent will be reviewed by current directors to help us prepare for the AGM.

Please Note: Applicants are required to attend the AGM. Directors will be voted on to the board at our AGM on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 6 – 8 pm (MT). The meeting will be held on Zoom and we will email you a link and meeting materials prior to the meeting. Before the vote, each director will be asked to introduce themselves and share their motivations for joining the board. Each voting member can vote for themselves and others.

In order to be a voting member you will need to pay our $1 membership fee. You can pay via Visa or Mastercard on our website, or use Visa debit on our Canada Helps page, but they require a minimum donation of $3. If you don’t have access to online payment, we can make an alternative arrangement. You will become a board member if you receive a majority vote at the AGM. Immediately following the AGM, we will hold our first introductory board meeting. There will be a 2-hour board training session on Thursday, July 4, 2024, 6 – 8pm (MT).


If there are any barriers to this recruitment process that you need removed, please contact Board President, Samuel Obadero at & We will work with you to determine how to meet your needs throughout recruitment and your potential term as a board member.

We enthusiastically invite folks who are Indigenous, Black and/or People of Colour, people who have disabilities, people of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, persons from poor and working class backgrounds and others with the skills and knowledge to engage equity seeking communities. M:ST has a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Including but not limited to; anti-Indigeneity, anti-Blackness, xenophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, ableism, anti-semitism, etc.

M:ST acknowledges that we stand on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot and the people of the Treaty 7 region, which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Stoney Nakoda First Nations. The City of Calgary is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III. Amidst the ongoing social, cultural, and environmental effects of colonialism, we are committed to dialogue and collaboration with Indigenous artists and communities as part of our mandate to foster performative art practices in Southern Alberta.

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