Call for Jury Members
The deadline for this opportunity has passed.
Deadline: August 6, 2020
The New Gallery (TNG) is currently seeking local artists to serve on the jury for our 2022 Main Space adjudication. Selected jurors must have access to a computer to independently review approximately 135 submissions during the month of August. Jurors must also be available during the week of September 1, 2020 (exact dates TBD), when the jury will come together over two days to discuss and adjudicate the submissions.
Jurors are paid a total fee of $632, commensurate with CARFAC’s Fee Schedule under section C.3.0.
To apply, please send a CV, contact information, and a brief email confirming your availability and commenting on any skills or expertise relevant to this opportunity to TNG’s Programming Coordinator, Brittany Nickerson at
TNG is committed to supporting artists who may require accommodations to fairly access this application process. If you require any accommodations or have any questions about the jury, please call us at 403.233.2399, or email us with the subject line Accommodations Request.
TNG is an artist-run centre located in Mohkinstsis/Calgary, on the ancestral and traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta. This charitable centre for contemporary art was established in 1975 as the Clouds & Water Gallery and Visual Production Society. Currently, TNG operates three venues—the Main Space, Billboard 208, and Resource Centre. These venues support the research, creation, and exhibition of socially relevant and politically informed creative practices from artists at all junctures of their careers while enabling a public engagement with artist-run culture and contemporary art. TNG’s programming comprises a broad range of art and educational activities, including exhibitions, publications, residencies, offsite projects, and community collaborations that serve to invigorate audiences’ experience of contemporary art and culture.
TNG is an equal opportunity employer and is interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of artists who are representative of the diversity of Mohkinstsis/Calgary.