Cassa Kids
Do you have little ones who yearn to be creative? Do you want to give them broad exposure to a number of creative pursuits under the guidance of our Cassa experts? Then sign them up for our immensely popular Cassa Kids program. This five-day program will help them get started in the world of fine arts, and help them imagine a way forward to deepen and further their interests. Three arts specialists will work with the children daily in music, drama, movement, and art.
Don’t delay, register now!
In-Person Only: July 12 – 16, 2021, 1:00 – 4:00pm
Cost: Early bird $195, after May 15, 2021, $250
Location: St. Vladimir’s Cultural Centre (1, 404 Meredith Rd. NE)
Bundle with Cassa Playwriting for full days and save! Early bird $295, after May 15, 2021, $350.
For more information and to register, visit