Character Chemistry

Classified Categories: Archived

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Character Chemistry

6 Week Course

Characters are core to every improv scene. Learn tools to create rich, detailed characters in the blink of an eye. Develop your skills in forming great relationships and onstage chemistry with your scene partners.

This is a six week course with sessions running on the following dates and times:

Dates: Wednesdays on January 10, 17, 24, 31, February 7 and 14, 2024.
Time: 7:30 – 9:30pm
Cost: $300

Prerequisites: Intro to Improv Levels I & II, or 30 hours of improv experience, or equivalent. Email Devin ( if you have questions about your level of improv.

Classes are for students aged 18+. Register at

A blue graphic for The Kinkonauts Character Chemistry classes with a snake in an astronaut suit

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