Clifford E. Lee Choreography Award 2022

Classified Categories: Archived

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Clifford E. Lee Choreography Award 2022

The biennial Clifford E. Lee Choreography Award at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity is open to any emerging Canadian dance choreographer or company demonstrating exceptional talent. We are seeking new voices, ideas and approaches to professional dance that can be supported through the award.

The award was established in 1978 by the Clifford E. Lee Foundation to encourage the development of Canadian choreographers. Nominees for the Clifford E. Lee Choreography Award will submit a proposal for a work that explores a contemporary approach to dance through any style. The work should be full-length, and travel to Banff with a company of no more than 15, including designers and production team members.

The successful artist or company will be awarded with a cash prize, and offered one creation residency and one production residency at Banff Centre, subject to schedules aligning for the work in question. Beyond this support, the nominee must demonstrate an ability to realize the new work through future presentations. Banff Centre will champion the recipient(s) in their vision and realization of the work.

What does the program offer?

The Clifford E. Lee Choreography Award is a combination of a $14,000 CAD cash prize for the commission of a new work and the support of two residencies at Banff Centre. The cash award will be paid in two equal instalments, to support any aspect of the work that the choreographer sees fit over this two-year period (e.g., fees, set construction, travel for company members to-from Banff, etc.).

The residencies take place over a two-year period with an initial residency in studio of up to two weeks; December 5 to 16, 2022 during Banff Centre’s Dance Artist in Residence program. The second, a production-focused residency in a suitable venue on the Banff campus, will be offered the following year, subject to the project’s timeline aligning with activities at Banff Centre.

If the applicant requires but does not have access to a company of dancers for this first residency, Banff Centre can facilitate an arrangement for a suitable, professional company of dancers to support the project on site.

The first residency will offer meals and accommodation for all company members, and a studio with limited technical support.

The second residency will take place in a venue suitable to the project, with three technicians (lighting, sound and staging) for 7.5 hours a day for two five-day weeks. Additional crew, scenic construction or technical support may be negotiable. Banff Centre will not act as producer of the work. A public performance, or sharing of work in process, is expected at the end of the second residency.

Partial transportation support to and from residency may be available depending on company size and location. Further opportunities to attend other Banff Centre programs in Dance may be available to the award recipient(s) as part of their professional development.

Who should apply?

Applications will be accepted from emerging Canadian (citizen or permanent resident) choreographers that are currently working with, or have access to, a company of dancers that can be utilized in the creation and production of the work. If the applicant does not have access to a company of dancers, Banff Centre can facilitate an arrangement for a suitable, professional company of dancers to support the project on site. Nominations may be made by colleagues of the nominee with their approval.

Any style of dance, approached with a contemporary point of view, is welcomed.

Application Deadline: August 17, 2022

For more information and to apply visit

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