Cultural Worker’s Individual Revenue Survey
Cultural Human Resources Council
Survey submissions accepted: April 15 – May 10, 2024.
CHRC is pleased to announce the launch of the Cultural Worker’s Individual Revenue Survey. This market research uses 2023 as the reference to gather information on artist and all cultural workers’ various revenue portfolios.
The timing of this survey aligns with folks having their T4s in hand and their independent contract revenues tracked as we head towards the individual tax deadline with Canada Revenue Agency.
Here are a few Q&A points from the information and instruction package.
Why is this survey necessary?
There is an ongoing sector-wide appetite for this information that is difficult to capture in the gig-economy. Multiple revenue streams create blind-spots for official statistics (CENSUS, etc.). This innovative survey embraces the reality and addresses it accordingly.
How is this survey innovative?
By segregating the occupation groups and adding teaching as a specific line of revenue. Breaking revenues into these categories will allow an analysis on the different ways that cultural workers, artists in particular devote their time and receive compensation.
Who is this survey for?
Anyone who works in arts and culture in any capacity. Whether this work is your first, second or third line of revenue does not matter, we hope you will take the survey.
The survey will require 5 – 25 minutes to complete depending on the number of lines of revenue individuals have.
Respondents are encouraged to read the information and instruction package prior to accessing the survey.
The Information collected will be analyzed and the report will be shared for free to any survey participants that complete the survey. The data, findings and analysis will only be used and presented in aggregate form.
Anyone who does not participate in the survey but wishes to obtain a copy of the report will be able to purchase a copy for $200.
CHRC invites everyone and anyone to share the survey link in their networks.
Sign up to the information session and data-thon that will be held on April 23, 2024 at 12noon ET.
A French session will be held at 12noon ET on April 24, 2024.
Ready to respond to the survey, visit
Si vous préférez répondre en français, appuyez ici.