Don’t Just be a Black Square

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Don’t Just be a Black Square

Online Accountability for Racialized Spaces

What does online accountability look and feel like? Go beyond the image and the doom scrolling to consider what it means to be accountable for racialized spaces online.

On Friday, May 7, 2021, we’re presenting another conversation online, that will be looking at just that—online conversations.

We’re gathering and hosting online more than ever, the ways in which we treat each other, express ourselves are being seen by the masses. In an effort to build uplifting communities in online spaces for racialized communities are we doing enough? Are we all conscious of what we share, type, and say on online spaces—probably not. When we’re not, how do we remain accountable and authentic to the racialized voices we’re trying to uplift.

This conversation is for organizations, individuals, allies, and anyone who is interested in curating an authentic online presence that demonstrates your actions towards racial equity. The conversation will be looking at various platforms, mediums, and action or inaction where we can take better care of one another online.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Safety plans for online events, responses of care
  • Public callouts or call-ins
  • Accountability
  • What is allyship on social media
  • With public statements
  • What is community solidarity? Community care?

The topics for discussion will help participants learn what accountability can feel like, create a community of care and how to centre the needs of racialized communities. Join us as we navigate the online space together and identify how we can become more accountable to make the change offline!


  • Wunmi Idowu, Founder & Director of Woezo Africa Music & Dance Theatre Inc.
  • Tyson Bankert, BLAC Capacity Builder at CommunityWise Resource Centre
  • Julie Alati-it, Bahaghari
  • Moderated by Kinya Baker, Shades of Humanity

This event will be hosted by CommunityWise on Facebook Live and will be accessible by email for participants the afternoon of May 7, 2021.

For more information and to register, visit

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