Grapple Lab: Culture of Supremacy

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The text logo for the Imagine THIS report and resource guide.
Imagine This: The Calgary Arts Development Authority (CADA) internal EDIA audit, possible futures, and plausible actions resource guide.

Grapple Lab: Culture of Supremacy

The May 29, 2023 Grapple Lab was rescheduled for June 19, 2023.

In this week’s lab we will grapple with the Culture of Supremacy. Defined as: “Characteristics that play out in organizations and are reinforced by culture. They are damaging because they are used as norms and standards without being proactively named or chosen by the group. They promote white supremacy thinking that compromises relationships and collective action. Because of how culture functions, these characteristics impact everyone.”

— Kerri Kelly-Activist/Author-American Detox.

White Bodied participants will learn to play with the tool of taking ongoing inventories of White Culture internalized beliefs. We will exchange ideas and practices around how to recognize behaviours and assumptions that continue to oppress other bodies of Culture (BIPOC) and how to change our perspectives and become more accountable to the harm we can cause.

BIPOC participants will form a separate caucus with Cesar Cala to discuss anything that came up with the sharing of internalized beliefs of White Supremacy Culture and any current community needs.

Imagine This is a creative commons resource that emerged from Calgary Arts Development’s efforts to document, learn and instigate real actions of change in their Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity and +Accessibility journey. We are grateful for their willingness to make the findings and recommendations public and available to all.

The 2023 Grapple Lab series will happen on the last Monday of each month.

If you would like to be notified of our next Grapple Lab, have any feedback, questions or topics you would like to see. please complete this form:

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