Heart, Hope and Land

Classified Categories: Archived

Heart, Hope and Land

An International Human Rights Art Movement, New York, “Hear the Voices” publishing project

Deadline to submit: May 1, 2024
Artist stipend: $25

The International Human Rights Art Movement’s publishing initiative (IHRAM Press), is accepting submissions for Indigenous Voices of Canada: Heart, Hope and Land, a print anthology of Indigenous culture and experience in light of Indigenous history in Canada, highlighting Indigenous authors and artists.

Submission Guidelines

We would like to invite you to submit your unpublished works in one of the following categories, and we ask for first world rights.

  • Authors and artists may submit poetry or fiction, and essays up to 2,500 words each or digital images of visual art.
  • All written work must be submitted in English; however, submissions originally written in other languages will be considered in tandem with its English translation.
  • Authors may submit one piece of written prose work or up to three poems in .DOC or .PDF format, Times New Roman, Font size 12, Double spaced.
  • Artists may submit up to five pieces of visual art in .JPEG, .JPG, or .PNG format in hi resolution (300 dpi).
  • There is no submission fee.
  • Each writer or artist accepted will earn a $25 stipend.

Email your submission to kellykaur07@gmail.com before May 1, 2024, in the following format:

Subject Line: Indigenous Voices

  • Your full name and/or pen name.
  •  A brief third-person bio (2-5 sentences)
  • A brief forward to your piece, explaining your inspiration for writing the piece, background information, explanation of key characters, and any other key insight for the reader.

Please ensure your submitted piece follows the above guidelines. Pieces will be judged for quality, as decided on by the IHRAM Publishes team, as well as adherence to our signature principles of beauty as a fundamental creative value; sincerity and vulnerability of presentation; opening doorways of engagement and celebrating the diversity of the Canadian experience at home and around the world. Each selected writer or artist will earn a $25 stipend, regardless of number of pieces accepted.


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