How Can Design Be Used for Social Good?

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How Can Design Be Used for Social Good?

Do you remember the last time a billboard stopped you in your tracks? Or maybe a time when a magazine cover or a campaign on Instagram moved you so deeply that you signed up to volunteer for something you believe in? Good graphic design is not just pretty: it has the power to change our perspectives, and can inspire us to make positive changes in our world.

Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 6 – 8pm MT
Location: Calgary Central Library
Cost: Free

For more information and to register visit

As part of the SoGood Design Awards Exhibition, we’re hosting a conversation with three designers and an arts community advocate on how design can help advance social good. You’ll learn about what social good truly means, see designs that champion social causes, and hear how BIPOC designers are shifting the world of design.


  • Gillian Hickie, Principal / Creative Director, GOOD Company
  • Dr. Milena Radzikowska, Professor of Information Design, Mount Royal University
  • Tara O’Reilly RGD, Brand Strategist/Creative Director, O’Reilly Design Co.
  • Sayonara Cunha, arts and community advocate

Moderated by Mel Sutjiadi, Founder / Creative Director, ARToverMATTER / Ripple of Change.

September 13, 2022 | Calgary Central Library | 6 to 8pm

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