Indigenous Classical Music Gathering
Banff Center is excited to invite folks to the third iteration of the Indigenous Classical Music Gathering (ICMG), led by faculty members Cris Derksen and Eliot Britton. Building on the ground-breaking work previously established by the Canadian Classical Indigenous Music Gathering, Indigenous composers and performers will come together to cultivate their individual crafts through collaboration and personal development.
Participants will spend time each day to gather and discuss current classical music issues, unpack our shared history of being Indigenous within the genre, and shine a light onto where we would like to see classical music go.
The ICMG values the integral role relationship building plays in ensuring healthy careers for all involved in the genre. There will be a guest faculty of Indigenous and non-Indigenous professionals to assist participants on their journey.
What Does the Program Offer
A space for Indigenous classical musicians and composers to explore experimental elements of their craft, as well as finalize productions of their work to the best of their capacity, in a fully supported environment without barriers of micro-aggression, racism, or cultural bias.
Who Should Apply
This program is geared towards regional, national, and global Indigenous music practitioners including: composers, singers, instrumentalists, scholars, students provocateurs, disrupters, advocates pushing the boundaries of their artistic practice, artists that serve their community, and artistic leaders in classical music.
One does not need a university degree in music, however should be working or intending to work in the field.
*Financial Aid of up to 100% of tuition fee and 50% of meal and accommodation fee is available for this program.
Program Dates: August 11 – 20, 2022
Application Deadline: June 22, 2022
For more information and to apply online visit