Literary Contest Call
Freefall’s annual Prose & Poetry Contest is now accepting submissions. Judges Zsu Zsi Gartner and Jane Munro are waiting to read your stories and poems. The contest offers more than $1,700 in prizes.
Entry fee: $25 (includes one-year subscription for your first entry only)*
Additional entries: $5 (at time of original entry only)
Maximum 3,000 words prose, or three poems per entry.
Both electronic entries and mailed entries must be received on or before April 30, 2023.
Only previously unpublished work may be entered. No simultaneous entries.
Prose entries must be:
- Double spaced with a title
- Page number at the top of each page
- NO authors name on manuscript
Poetry entries must be:
- Single spaced
- NO author’s name on manuscript
Poems that run more than one page require a title and page number at the top of each page.
Mailed Submissions General Formatting:
- page size 8.5” X 11”
- all margins: 1.5”
- 12 pt Times New Roman font
Please save as PDF, DOC or DOCX.
Please note: shortlisted entries may be selected for publication to round out the issue and will be paid the standard rate.
To download a PDF entry form to mail in your entry visit
For more information visit
* out of country entrants will receive a digital edition subscription unless they wish to pay the postage