Local Author’s Pre-Release Offer

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Book cover | Nancy O'Hare | The Man in the Barretina Hat

Local Author’s Pre-Release Offer

The Man in the Barretina Hat

Normally, life on the Mediterranean island of Malta is safe and calm. Then two professors go missing on the same day. A baker starts dealing in a shady side business. A woman wakes up in a mysterious clinic.

Soon a more dangerous picture begins to emerge.

Offer: Sign up to receive one chapter a day for 11 days.
Cost: Free, no purchase commitment

For more information and to sign up, visit bynancyohare.com.

Pre-orders available at Owls Nest Books, Chapters Indigo, McNally Robinson and most online bookstores.

Sign-up to recieve 1 chapter a day for 11 days | Coming January 2023

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