Looking for a New Home

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A black-and-white logo for the Heritage Spinners and Weavers Guild of Calgary showing the letters HWS.

Looking for a New Home

Heritage Weavers and Spinners Guild of Calgary

The Heritage Weavers and Spinners Guild of Calgary is looking for a new home. We have to leave our current location at ArtPoint in Ramsay to make way for the new Green Line LRT construction.

We are a membership organization that organizes classes and workshops in fibre arts, including weaving spinning, felting, dyeing and more. We gather to work on our fibre projects, learn from each other and plan events to promote the fibre arts in the city. This year we are celebrating our 45th anniversary and hope to find another long-term new home.

We are looking for approximately 1,000 square feet for our looms, spinning wheels and our extensive library. Do you know of a bright space with access to water in a central location with good parking? Please contact us at heritageweaversandspinners@gmail.com.

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