New Canadians

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New Canadians

Building Careers in the Arts

The deadline for this opportunity has passed.

Date: May 20, 2020, 6:30 – 8:00pm MDT
Cost: Free for CARFAC Alberta and Saskatchewan members, $25 for everyone else

What is it like to try to establish an art career in Canada when you came to Canada as an immigrant? What sort of barriers are encountered and how do you get past them?

Two new Canadian artists, Yong Fei Guan and Patrick B. Fenandez, share their stories in this webinar.

A visual artist and a writer, Yong Fei Guan is Chinese-Canadian and has lived in Canada for just over a decade. In her work, Guan explores her identity, world politics, and the way these relate to environmental issues.

Born in the Philippines, Patrick B. Fernandez has made Regina his home. Fernandez’s surreal way of looking at and responding to the world deals with where we live, politics, what humanity means, environmental change and loss.

For more information or to register, visit

A poster promoting CARFAC Alberta's May 2020 Webinars

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