Nominations are Open

Classified Categories: Archived

Branding image for The Prairie Grindstone Prize

Nominations are Open

Announcing the launch of The Prairie Grindstone Prize — a literary prize aimed at acknowledging hardworking and perhaps under-appreciated writers of fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction in the prairies.

This annual prize, funded by an anonymous donor, will be awarded every two years to an Alberta writer in mid-career. It will be awarded in alternate years to a Saskatchewan writer. (For example, in 2023, the prize will go to an Alberta writer. In 2024, it will be awarded to a Saskatchewan writer. And so forth.)

This is not a book prize. It is awarded in acknowledgement of the author’s creation of a body of work of consistent high quality that has contributed to the public’s appreciation for and understanding of Western Canada’s landscape, people, history and culture.

The writer must be a resident of the province for the past five years, must have a minimum of four professionally published books and must be an active member of the local writing community.

Authors may not self nominate and recipients will be selected by a jury of peers.

For more information, please contact Stacey Walyuchow, Marketing and Design, at 403.689.1022 or

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