One Monologue, Four Opinions
Mock Theatre Auditions Workshop
Bring your audition pieces and hear what four industry professionals have to say about it! In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to perform an audition monologue and receive feedback from current industry professionals. All participants will receive in-class feedback as well as a feedback form from the panel.
Moderator: Aaron Coates
Panelists: Val Lieske, Rohit Chokhani, and Haysam Kadri
Participation in this workshop is by application only. Applicants will be reviewed and successful candidates will be invited to participate. Anyone is welcome to audit this workshop for a reduced fee.
Date: April 25, 2022, 7:00 to 9:00pm
Location: Beddington Theatre Arts Centre
Price: $15 to audit, $50 to participate
For more information, to register, and to apply to participate visit
Have questions? Contact StoryBook Theatre, email theatreschool@