Open Auditions
Theatre for Young People
Trickster Theatre will be holding ongoing general auditions for local actors in Alberta. Present at the auditions will be artistic director, David Chantler and/or one of our online programming leaders.
We are currently looking for artists to deliver our online theatre workshops.
In this position, artists will lead online classes in the creation of either a group story using Trickster’s super fun and fast story development process or facilitating online theatre or video residencies. Artists will beam into classrooms using Google Meets and lead the sessions using Google Jamboard.
Any artists who successfully pass their audition will be required to go through a training course to learn how to deliver the program. This course takes approximately 10 to 12 hours to complete and you will be paid for your time. At the end of the course, we will assess your progress and assign you to work as appropriate.
Artists are invited to apply for an audition by sending an electronic copy of your resume and headshot to production@trickstertheatre.
Trickster Theatre will contact individuals selected for audition to set up an audition time. Artists who have been contracted by Trickster Theatre in the past two seasons do not need to submit, only to contact the office to express interest in working with the company again.
Technology Requirement: In order to deliver this program, artists must have a computer that is able to run google meet and a stable internet connection.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Nimrodel at production@trickstertheatre.