Poetry/Flash Nonfiction

Classified Categories: Archived

Poetry/Flash Nonfiction

Wet Ink Books, in conjunction with Arise Christian Academy and editor Laura P. Young, seeks submissions of poetry and flash non-fiction (under 1000 words) for an upcoming anthology chronicling Canadian immigrant and refugee stories.

We are looking for writing of exceptional literary merit—stories and poems that challenge and delight us. We are especially interested in Eritrean and young adult writers, but any new immigrant or refugee may submit.

Submit To:

Please send your completed poem or flash non-fiction to: editor Laura P. Young at swartfamily@shaw.ca.

In Body of Email Only

Attachments will not be opened; your writing must be included in the body of your email with your full name and a short bio – 50 words max.

Deadline: February 14, 2022

Our Goal

We will notify you by March 31, 2022 with a list of authors who will be included in the book.