Website RFP

Classified Categories: Archived

Quickdraw Animation Society Logo

Website RFP

Calgary-based charity and artist-run centre The Quickdraw Animation Society is seeking a developer or development team to redesign our website. Our current site is functional, but barely. It’s slow as molasses, doesn’t integrate into the database systems we use to manage our membership and inventory, and has a back end full of unnecessary features.

Basically, it was built around a different set of goals and aspirations, and we’d like to rethink the site to suit who we actually are instead of who we thought we might be.

What we’re looking for shouldn’t be too fancy, or at least we don’t think so. We’d like to stick to a WordPress build, or at the very least an option that lets us keep the majority of the content we’ve created and will allow our staff to regularly update the site. We want it to be straightforward to navigate, without getting bogged down in sub-menus and sub-sub-menus. It should make it easy to view and sign up for our classes and workshops, showcase our equipment and studio resources, and understand how to get involved with Quickdraw. Ideally, it should integrate in some way with, the platform we use to manage our membership, course registrations, equipment library, and more. And it should reflect the rebranding we introduced in 2018.

Submission Process

Please send us your proposal, along with examples of past work (with contact info for past clients, if possible) in PDF format by email to with the subject line [Your Company Name] RFP for website redesign. Your proposal should include a budget (we’re hoping to keep to the $10,000-$12,000 range) and timeline, information on the team involved, details on your approach to development, an idea of how you will approach the project goals listed above, and any other details you believe would be relevant to our decision. Assume that we have some basic familiarity with web design concepts, but that we’re far from experts—clear, jargon-free language is preferred wherever possible.

Make sure to submit your proposal by March 31, 2021 at 5:00pm MST. We will follow up with a shortlist of vendors by April 9 for a more detailed discussion, and a final selection will be made by April 30. Only selected vendors will be contacted.

Visit to review the full RFP, including technical requirements, audience details, and other relevant info.

Please familiarize yourself with our main website by visiting, and our festival website, and our social media for a sense of how we present our organization to the world.

If you have any questions about what we do, please feel free to ask, and we’re happy to clarify.

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